
Metasploit is one of the tools included in Kali Linux, but it can also be used on its own. It is recognized as one of the most used platforms for penetration testing and searching for vulnerabilities in systems and software. It is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Ubuntu. The developers also offer Metasploit on Termux, which makes it possible to use on Android devices.


The developers offer several versions for professional and personal use. The most popular version is Metasploit Framework which has a user-friendly interface and a number of capabilities found in the professional extended Community, Express, Metasploit Pro.

The application allows you to simulate network attacks by means of exploits which are much easier to create and apply.

Properties and Features of Metasploit

The popularity of the application is demonstrated by the fact that over a million users decide to install Metasploit Framework every year. It is hosted on one of the largest open source project hosting sites GitHub.

Let's highlight the features of Metasploit:
  • Access to all the implemented tools is available through command line or intuitive web interface
  • Wide support for a large number of network protocols and options is available.
  • Metasploit Framework is well-supported by the developer community and has a large installed base of database.
The program is essentially the perfect environment for building the tools you need to secure the user and to develop and apply exploit code. Metasploit has its own built-in network scanner based on Nmap. That allows us to gather all the necessary information about the network and develop an effective plan of attack.

The program will identify all active accounts, verify the strength of existing passwords and identify other vulnerabilities that will decrease data protection and allow hackers to gain information needed to access Wi-Fi networks, personal data, services and services, data that is stored on the computer. Password testing and detection of other potential problems and threats can be performed using various network services, such as Telnet, SSH, VNC and others.

To download Metasploit Framework, please use the link provided below.
Operating system Size Link
Windows 737MB Download
Linux 231MB Download
macOS 210MB Download
Program information
  • Rating: 5 (1 votes)
  • Version: 6.0.47
  • Updated: 14.03.2021
  • Size: 737MB
  • Language: English
  • OS: Windows, Linux, macOS
  • License: Freeware
  • Developer: Rapid7
Best of category
Kali Linux
Petr Sholokhov
Petr Sholokhov

Full-time website author. Expert in network infrastructure, security and system administration, 25 years of experience.

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