Router Scan

Router Scan is a Windows program that scans the entire local network, finds connected devices and extracts all useful information from them (as well as about the WAN connection). It integrates tools for security checks, key and PIN matching WPS and exploits. It supports both WiFi and Ethernet scanning, but it is specifically adapted for hacking wireless networks.

Functions Router Scan

Router Scan for Windows can:
  • detect all devices in the LAN (including hidden ones);
  • check access rights to each detected gateway;
  • scan ports for availability (range can be set manually);
  • automatically pick a PIN (for WiFi with WPS enabled, including by the Pixie Dust algorithm);
  • pick WPA/WPA2 passwords (by dictionary, from public 3WiFi hotspot database)
  • find all service information from connected devices (type, protocol, ports enabled, host, MAC address, can be exported to a log file).
The developer of the application is the user by Stas'M, he regularly releases updates for Router Scan adding support of new routers and integrating the latest detected by users exploits. There is a detailed manual for the program in Russian, but the interface is in English.

The application requires no installation (portable-exe). If an error occurs at startup, you must install the package HNAP. On the downside, it does not support WiFi 802.11ax and 5GHz.

How to use for WiFi password cracking

Once the user has launched, we will need to click on "Scan" to list all devices found on our local network and display their types. Select Router from the list (those with WPS enabled are more vulnerable), then specify the type of attack to be performed (3WiFi or WPS PIN) in the "Main Menu" tab. After that the program goes into the key search mode.

Before using Router Scan please make sure that the WiFi adaptor installed supports the scanner mode (most models from Intel and Qualcomm).

Download Router Scan current version for free at our site.

Screenshots Router Scan

Operating system Size Link
Windows 2.91MB Download
Program information
  • Rating: 3.9 (24 votes)
  • Version: 2.60
  • Updated: 14.03.2021
  • Size: 2.91MB
  • Language: English
  • OS: Windows
  • License: Freeware
  • Developer: by Stas'M
Petr Sholokhov
Petr Sholokhov

Full-time website author. Expert in network infrastructure, security and system administration, 25 years of experience.

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